Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Optum Internship Blog #6

Post #6
Date(s): 7/25/19 - 7/26/19
Activities: Live User Testing, Target Mark Demographics
Technical Information: PowerPoint and Word
Reflection: Initially my duties alongside the duties of my partners, was just to research and find out everything we could about the healthcare system alongside combining them with some of our preexisting ideas and personal experiences regarding the american healthcare system. For the first week, we were almost entirely just on our computer gathering all the data we could, alongside discussing/brainstorming our ideas on rooms/boards all over the office, trying to come up with an idea for us to latch onto. 

As the weeks came along, we evolved to do more specific tasks, I worked extensively during the 3rd and 4th week on our application, helping program our software alongside Kathleen, who was someone with far more programming experience than me, and she was someone who had done programming competitions and knew many of the important details beforehand, I was able to assist her alongside organizing our group to make sure we met our deadlines and eventually putting my hands in our graphics as well as designing our final presentation that we vetted over a dozen times to suit the templates that the company required us to follow, as well as creating something unique out of what we had. 

Later on, as the project went along, all of our teammates were given more responsibility, but for the most part most of the tasks were evenly divided between everyone, since our manager didn’t want to overload any one of us knowing our nervousness and lack of experience. So almost every part of our project, had even hands. The only thing that each of us felt individual responsibility for was the presentation, where each of us knew that this was it, when it came to how far we came along and what we accomplished. 

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