Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Optum Internship Blog #5

Post #5
Date(s): 8/22/19 - 8/24/19
Activities: User Testing, Hospital Callings
Technical Information: C++ Programming
Reflection: My primary contribution to my internship was the collective group experience that I had alongside my other teammates, where I wasn’t given such one task to accomplish, but rather alongside my teammates we were malleable enough to work with whatever was needed to work with to help further are project and accomplish our goals.

There were times where I would work alongside one teammate with the graphics to help come up with designs for our application software that we designed to help usher in a higher rate of accuracy in regards to the communication between the medical administrators from the primary care physicians to the specialized departments. I also helped program the application, alongside Kathleen, making our application super interactive and user friendly with as easy to use a system as possible, to take away the complexities that we believe plagued the system beforehand. 

My most proudest moment in my internship, has to be the final presentation we did, I was so nervous, even though I had done presentations before, mainly because unlike school I would be presenting in front of real professionals and it was my chance to help create a positive first impression and especially not mess up my group who had trusted me. I was tasked with doing the last ¼ of the slides in our presentation, alongside helping conclude/summarize our entire project. I was especially nervous, since even if all my group did their presentation well, if I messed up in my presentation, then the entire deck of cards holding up our pitch would fall, since that is the only thing the judges would remember. Thankfully I was able to nail my presentation, without any hesitations or fears. 

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