Monday, January 6, 2020

Optum Internship Blog #3

Post #3
Date(s): 7/15/19 - 7/17/19
Activities: Application Building, Organization and Researching
Technical Information: Programming, Art Direction and PowerPoint
Reflection: My classroom experiences have played an extremely important part in preparing me for my internship, as many of the soft skills and some hard technical skills that I learn't during my years as an Academy of Information Technology Student through all my classes, especially all my Technical classes.

Having done so many presentations and interviews through the AOIT program, I was able to ingrain in myself many of the soft skills needed to help me in my journey through my internship, skills such as being confident, maintaining perfect eye-to-eye contact, not stuttering, approaching people, and etc.

Learning programming languages such as C++ and SAS also helped when learning to program new applications, especially during the later stages of our internship period when we needed as much help as possible in building our application to look professional even though we had less time than the college interns and didn't any of the experience.

The only I thing I wish I would have learned prior to the internship was some more specific programming languages such as Python which could have really helped speed up our process when ideating what our healthcare problem would, and designing our solution. 

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