Saturday, November 12, 2016

August 7th - National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation - Technology

On the next day of our trip we went to the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation which is in Tokyo. That day it was 87 degrees Fahrenheit so it was really hot so it was good to be inside for most of the day with air conditioning. When we were going there it seemed to us that it would be a normal museum where we just walk and look around but, once we got there we saw how interactive the museum was. The first thing was that we had to pay 210 yen to enter since we were all under 18 which is about $1.85. This was very cheap but Shamyl kindly decided to handle the full bill. Once we got inside we didn't know where to start and just followed where our eyes led us to. We went to this one place called the frontiers where we could explore space, the solar system, and all life there on a wide variety of scales. It was super cool to observe the neutrino's in our universe.We skipped the part where we could learn about elementary particles and the universe with a particle accelerator and went to the partial replica of the ISS which we could go inside where we were shown how some of the devices looked and it also had the signatures from astronauts who visited the museum. Then came Mission Survival: 10 Billion where we were given a model representation of the dynamic Earth systems and rapidly changing human society and then on the map it had red balls which represented disasters threatening modern society and we had to think about how we should deal with them and this taught us more about preventing these disasters and about the previous ones so that we could learn from it. We then went to an exhibit where we could see cells in progress through recreated life size cell models of a fertilized human egg and see then observe  3 stem cells that hold the key to regenerative medicine. We were starting to get hungry now and went to the 7th floor restaurant that was self serving and it had a really nice view of Tokyo including the Tokyo Tower from before. After lunch went to the Create your Future section where we tried answering the question of how humans should apply and evolve sustainable prosperity. It allowed us to put our ideas of a future society into action. A part of the section was what drives the force of innovation and here we learned about the creativity that is the basis for the revolutionary technologies that are changing the future. Next cam a simulation of what WE want earth to look like 50 years from now and how we can achieve it. Then lastly for that section we went to see robots in the museum and they were really cool, one of the robots was a humanoid named ASIMO and he was really cool also there were robots their that were designed solely to provide healing and enjoyment which i didn't know were reasons that people made robots. Next we saw the "symbol exhibit of Miraikan" which is another name for the museum and it was a rendition of how Earth looks like from space in a super high precision of  10 million pixels making it the worlds first globe like display using organic LED panels. After all of that it was getting late and we decided to go back to the hotel and sleep. Image result for national museum of science and innovation japanImage result for national museum of science and innovation japan

Weather: 86

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